Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yeah!!! School Is out!! 

The girls are happy to be home for the summer but not all that excited about the chores that they still have to do everyday.  They say that they should get a break from it all.  Haha.  Kailyn says that she feels like it shouldn't be summer yet though.

We have signed they up for a couple of 4-H classes and are also doing some other projects  that they can enter in the Summit County Fair in August.  Last year they each had an item make it into the Utah State Fair.  Brooklyn's brownies got 1st place in Summit County and also the best out of all the food award.  Kailyn was able to get her pajama pants that she sewed. It gives them a goal to have during the summer instead of wasting the months away playing electronics (which drives me nuts).  Kailyn is also going to take summer band.  That means that for June and July she will still have to get up at 7 am to make it to band by 8 am.  No sleeping in for her for a while. 

Caleb is getting big.  He can get around anywhere in the walker that he wants to go.  A couple times I have been working and turned around to see him playing with the toilet paper.  He does not like sitting on the ground so it might take a while for him to learn to crawl.  We just got a baby swing from the neighbors yesterday and he loves swinging in it.