Saturday, July 6, 2013


Well, July is here already.  Less than 2 months and the girls will be back to school.  We have done a few things that were on Brooklyn's to do list.  Definitely more not checked off though. It's almost time to start back to school shopping.  The girls have grown quite a bit.  Kailyn was able to wear most of the same pants for 2 years but is out growing them now. 

The girls have their 4-H sewing class next week.  We went to Joann's yesterday to pick out a pattern and fabric.  That turned into 1 1/2 hours of trying to find the right items.  I think all of us were ready to get out of there.    The girls did pick out two shirt patterns that should make some cute shirts.  I should be able to make a couple shirts out of the pattern that Kailyn picked out for myself also.  We will see how her shirt turns out before I get any fabric for myself. 

We went on our first camping trip this last weekend.  It rained both nights we were out but it was still nice.  Max bought 2 hammocks for the girls and that was their favorite thing.  They actually both took naps in them.  We went on a hike to a lake less that 1/2 a mile from camp and walked around.  Kailyn's "flip flop" broke a little ways up the trail so Max had to go back to camp and get Brooklyn's shoes for her.  Hopefully she will not bring flip flops again.   I forgot my baby pack for Caleb so I made a little pack out of my jacket to carry him.  On the way home Max carried him.  It was really cute because they both had on camo hats and Caleb had the biggest smile on his face.  I wish I would have brought my camera. 

Kailyn has been doing summer band and her first parade was on the 4th of July.  She was worried about making sure she was taking the right steps and remembering her music.  She did really well.  Even though it was only in the 70's that morning she said she was really hot.    She is such a good "kid".;)

Brooklyn has just been playing with her friend Ashtyn a lot.  We went up to a friends cabin on Saturday and it has a stream running behind it.  As soon as we got there she took her shoes off and went to play in the water.  After a while of being in the water, we heard her yell moose.  She jumped out of the water pretty quick.  As I looked up I saw a baby moose trotting by.  The moose was maybe 15 feet away.  She got back in the water a little later and then she heard sticks breaking so that was enough of playing in the water.  About 30 minutes later the moose was seen by the stream again.  So the sticks we heard breaking were most likely the moose. 

Caleb has learned how to sit up by himself.  He is still not crawling but does get around by rolling and scooting across the room.  He has learned how to wave bye bye and he is finally only waking up once a night.  There for a long time he was waking up every hour to hour and a half.  I was not getting a lot of sleep.  We gave him to old remotes to play with but he knows the difference between the fake ones and real.  He prefers the real and is learning what no-no means.  He tried to grab the remote this morning and I told him no-no.  That made him stop and look at me.  He waited till I wasn't looking and grabbed it. 

So, our neighbors behind us found a baby chicken, actually their cat found it.  We saw it and were going to our chickens but it jumped out of Brooklyns hands and ran away.  Well, the next night when Brooklyn was outside playing with her bow and arrow she heard some chirps.  She saw scamper and he had the chicken in his mouth. Brooklyn went and got the chicken and we put it in our smaller chicken cage with two other (bigger) baby chickens.  Our red hen started protecting this baby chick but we have neighbors chickens that come eat our food.  They don't have any manners and stepped all over the baby chick.  Needless to say, this morning it looks like our new chicken is on it last leg.  It wont hardly move and is just faintly chirping.  She ended up dying on the morning of the 4th.  Brooklyn went and dug a grave and buried it.  At least she is not taking it to hard. 

Well, after almost 11 years of working at home I am looking for a job outside the home.  Medical claims are starting to go electronic so that is making my job obsolete.   I really would prefer to stay at home but I have to make money also.  I have thought about applying at the local day care so that Caleb can still somewhat be raised by his family.  I have put in quite a few resumes for jobs and have received one interview call.  I am having some anxiety about leaving Caleb to be raised by other people. I am really hoping my work can get me on with a different department so that I will be able to stay at home.