Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer is here!!

So the girls have been out of school for 2 weeks now.  Thank goodness they are not bored yet.  Last week they couldn't believe it had already been a week.  I think that time is going by faster and faster for them. 

Brooklyn has made us a Summer to do chart and she even Duct taped it to the wall!
  She went to each of us and asked us what we wanted to do during the summer.  We all gave her a few suggestions and I also looked up fun things to do.  I was going to take them to the Heber park for lunch (part of her list) but when I drove past the park last week it was gone.  We went by there again on Thursday and a new park is going in.  So maybe next week we can go.  As of now, Dad has fixed the truck, so that is one box that can be checked.  Hopefully I can work on a sprinkler system next week for the back yard.  The girls have played in weeds for the last 7 years and I think we would spend a lot more time in the back yard if we had grass to enjoy. 

The girls had their first 4-H class this week.  They learned how to decorate cupcakes for the fair.  I told them that they should pick a different design off the internet for the fair since most of the kids will submit the cupcakes that they learned in class.  Kailyn was the oldest "kid" in class but she still enjoyed it.

This week I won 2 Pass of all passes off of Facebook.  The girls were really excited.  Believe it or not, I win a lot of fun stuff off of Facebook.  Winning is what I really like to use FB for.  So I told the girls that if they don't turn on the TV on Wednesdays and watch Caleb while I work, we will head to SLC and do something every Wednesday.  I think that they will choose Seven Peaks every week.  I don't think I want to spend every Wednesday at Seven Peaks though. 

Kailyn leaves to go to girls camp June 17- 21.  She loves girls camp and is very excited to go.  I hope that she keeps that enthusiasm for church as she goes into her teenage years.  It is a full 5 days this year but at least she is only going to the Heber camp.  Last year she was able to go to Flaming Gorge.  She had a lot of fun and was able to knee board.  I am glad she is not going to be around water this year though.  We are working on some secret sister gifts.  It seems like girls camp came really quick this year.  I guess life just seems to be going quick anymore. 

Caleb is starting to wave bye-bye.  He will be 9 months on the 19th.  He has not started crawling yet but will get over on his hands and knees.  He does not like to be on the ground at all.  We try to let him be on the ground but all he does is cries and get really frustrated.  He has been spoiled to either being held or in his walker.    Kailyn said the other day that she can't believe he will be 1 in 3 months.  The time has raced by. 

My(Jennifer) work has really slowed down.  Monday's are my only busy days now.  With Caleb always wanting to be held and entertained, it has been a blessing because to get 5 hours of work in, it takes me 8 - 9 hours between taking care of him and sitting at the computer.  I have been looking for another job but really do not want to let Caleb go to daycare.  I enjoy staying home with the kids but feel like I should be contributing more to the income. 

Max has been working hard on our vehicles.  He worked for days on my car and then on his truck.  He is glad to be done with those for a while.  At least he is able to work on our vehicles instead of us having to take them into a shop.  Now for the trailer.  Last year the water drain was ripped off of our camp trailer so we can't go camping until it is fixed.

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